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In addition, DevOps engineers often use continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools, such as Jenkins and Travis CI. These tools help automate software development, making it easier to deploy code changes quickly and reliably. A DevOps culture values collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams. In a DevOps culture, everyone collaborates to streamline the software development process. This means everyone is on the same page regarding code changes, deployments, and testing.

In a traditional organizational setting, a product undergoes several stages before it is launched, from the project initiation stage to the development and operation stages. However, forward-thinking enterprises are discovering that they can use the time spent transferring a product from development to operations to create more products, which saves time and costs. I hope you have enjoyed this post on “How To Become A DevOps Engineer” If you are looking for online structured training in DevOps or DevOps Post Graduate Program courses.

How to Become a DevOps Engineer?

Most DevOps engineer jobs will require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field. To remain competitive, you should also consider a master’s degree and DevOps certifications. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn’t collect information on DevOps engineers yet, the job outlook is strong based on data of similar roles. For instance, the BLS estimates a 22% job growth for software developers from 2020 to 2030.

They often function in a situation where developers, system administrators, and programmers are all working on the same product but not necessarily sharing information. Differences in the role may vary when dealing with company size, culture, and existing work processes. Depending on the company culture, there can be pushback from people not wanting to change, this is when a DevOps might find themselves doing things outside of their job description.

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You can connect with people in the industry and understand how it is done in their organization. It is an evolving technical practice not commonly used by companies. Even though there are enough tools to automate everything, you might need custom functionality that a tool may not offer. In such cases, coding/scripting comes in handy to achieve those functionalities.

how to become a devops engineer

Problems with the infrastructure that supports your application can frequently have an impact that is at least as significant as that of the application itself. A DevOps engineer should also be familiar with the languages how to become a devops engineer that their team uses to comprehend existing code, evaluate new code, and help with debugging. Then click on the post on DevOps Engineer roles and responsibilities, and let me know your thoughts about it.